Leap in Advancing of crItical Quantum key distribution-spAce components
LaiQa |

About LaiQa
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LaiQA project

LaiQa comes as a technology intensive research and innovation action aiming to develop and advance critical components and technologies necessary to build a global spaced-based quantum network. LaiQa envisions to realize unconditionally secure quantum communications over long distances bringing functional QKD components together with advanced system integration techniques towards deployable space-QKD systems.


LaiQa consortium consists of 8 partners, among which 3 academic organizations
(ICCS, TU/e, NKUA), 1 applied scientific research organisation (TNO), 2 SMEs (QTLABS and QSSYS),
1 National Observatory(NOA) and 1 Industrial Aerospace Organization (TAS-I) originating
from 5 European countries (Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands).

Most of the LaiQa partners have collaborated successfully in the past within the frames of several EU projects,
creating the momentum for synergy and effective partner interaction within the consortium from day 1 of the project.



LaiQa Video Presentation (TEASER)

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