

ICCS has a proven track record of successfully coordinating and leading European Commission-funded projects. In the context of LaiQa, ICCS will oversee the project’s overall execution and play an active role in various work packages. ICCS possesses technical expertise as a system partner, with capabilities in system modeling, testing and characterization. Within ICCS, the PCRL (Photonic Communication Research Laboratory) research group will participate in the project. PCRL research activities include optical interconnects and telecommunications, digital signal processing, photonic integrated circuit (PIC) design and testing, quantum communications and biophotonics/sensing. Winith LaiQa, PCRL activities involve experimental investigations and the design of photonic platforms for quantum communication systems as well as emphasize on the integration of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) into practical deployments. The research conducted by PCRL within the field of QKD encompasses various implementations, including Free-Space Optical (FSO), satellite-based, and fiber-based systems. PCRL has also participated/participates in various European Quantum Communications-related research projects such as Hellas-QCI, Quantum Secure Network Partnership (QSNP), UNIQORN. PCRL goal is to advance quantum communication technology and incorporate QKD systems into existing communication infrastructures to enhance security.

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TNO’s mission is to generate innovative solutions with demonstrable impact to achieve a safe, healthy, sustainable, and digital society. In the area of Space Quantum Communications, TNO has devised a strategy to enable such a system by developing key components that will serve as its future building blocks.

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Quantum Technology Laboratories

qtlabs is committed to evaluating, developing, and counseling of quantum secure solutions in telecom infrastructure, enterprise networks, cloud computing, and Big Data technology services. Our services help to ensure long term quantum safety for numerous users.

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Quantum Space Systems

Quantum Space Systems is committed to consulting, research, and development services in the cutting-edge field of quantum key distribution (QKD) and the necessary components. qssys team of experts is equipped with the latest knowledge and expertise in the field.

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NOA National Observatory of Athens

NOA is the oldest research establishment in Greece, having been founded in 1842. It is a research center operating under public law rules and procedures and is supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Development and Investments. With its highly-skilled human resources and important infrastructure, NOA today plays an important role in various research fields, including Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space applications, at European and international level.

Its largest Institute is the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Remote Sensing and Space Applications (IAASARS). It has numerous research programs which bring a revenue of over 3M€ per year mainly from the ESA, the EU and the National Secretariat of Research and technology. IAASARS consists of three main research units: 1) Observational Astrophysics 2) Solar-Terrestrial Environment – Space Physics 3) Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Signal/Image Processing.

The Observational Astrophysics group operates the Helmos and the Kryoneri Observatories. The 2.3m “Aristarchos” telescope is installed at Helmos. It is the largest research infrastructure of the NOA and the 2nd largest telescope in continental Europe. The dedicated personnel of the Helmos Observatory have excellent knowledge of telescope operations and its optical instrumentation, as well as of the computer systems that support the telescope.

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The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands offers (pre)graduate engineering programmes (BSc and MSc) and post-graduate technological design (MTD), PhD and teacher training programmes (MSc) and post-academic continuing education. The courses are research-driven and design-oriented. TU/e coordinates several prominent Dutch research schools and institutes, such as Institute for Photonic Integration (IPI) and has a strong position within international research networks. The TU/e is a natural partner for technology-intensive enterprises. The campus is a fertile breeding ground for new business ventures. The TU/e hosts the Dutch national centre on III-V-semiconductors and optoelectronics. With these facilities, IPI belongs to the world’s best-equipped academic research centres in the field of Photonics.

ICT Lab is an academic research group in the Signal Processing Systems Group (department of Electrical Engineering) at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. The lab’s main research interest is in information and communication theory, and its applications. The lab’s mission is to study information processing in a broad sense. They focus on finding fundamental limits but also on the data processing techniques (often codes) and architectures that aim at approaching these limits. Main areas of interest are source coding, channel coding, multi-user information theory, and security. Typically, information-theoretical frameworks are used to model the scenarios under investigation. This allows the lab to find out what the optimal trade-offs are. The scenarios that the lab studies ideally result from close interaction with industry.

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Combining 40 years of experience and a unique diversity of expertise, talents and cultures, Thales Alenia Space architects, designs and delivers high technology solutions for telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, environmental management, exploration, science and orbital infrastructures.

Thales Alenia Space is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of communications satellites, platforms and payloads, which account for 42 % of its business. The space technological areas where TAS operates are Science & Exploration for Deep Space, Observation, Meteorology & Environmental Monitoring, Telecommunications, Satellite Constellation, Military Satellite Communications, Navigation, Satellite and Space Systems Integration.

In the frame of Telecommunications, TAS Italy is involved in the implementation of the new and challenging technologies for Quantum Communications and QKD Systems, Flexible payloads, Ka-band systems, Constellations, Defense and Security.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.